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Success stories

Science knows no borders. The EU-funded FunGlass project demonstrates how the expertise of top European partners can breathe new life into a young, aspiring institute. An upgrade of the Centre of Excellence for Ceramics, Glass and Silicate Materials in Trenčín, Slovakia, is delivering not only advanced science, but improved economic and social development in the region.


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Water infrastructure tools help Europe’s cities go with the flow

Half of the world’s population lives in cities, and this figure is growing. Delivering water and sewage services in urban areas continues to be a significant challenge, especially in the face of climate change. Digital tools developed by the EU-funded DWC project are already being used to maintain Europe’s commitment to high-quality water infrastructure.

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A tiny gland built from human cells can protect us from chemical dangers and reduce animal testing.

The thyroid gland produces many of the body’s essential hormones, but chemicals found in food, clothes and furniture can interfere with its function. Predicting the toxicity of these chemicals – especially at low doses – has proven difficult. The EU-funded SCREENED project created a model thyroid made of human cells to provide more accurate testing, as well as reduce reliance on animal studies.