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Building up advanced research on additive manufacturing technology

Five partners have joined forces to enhance the quality and efficiency of 3D printing in industrial production. The EU-funded SIRAMM project’s cross-border cooperation produced a large number of scientific papers and successfully imparted vital skills to a new generation of researchers. These will help produce more reliable and safer 3D-printed products.

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Plain sailing: game-changing EU tech is helping the maritime industry go green

The shipping industry is responsible for 3% of global carbon emissions, putting it under the spotlight for environmental upgrades. Two game-changing vessel designs have now been produced with the help of EU funding, along with retrofit technologies for existing cruise ships and bulk carriers. Maritime sustainability is a key EU priority on the continent’s journey to slashing carbon emissions while creating opportunities for green economic growth and jobs.

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Harder, better, faster, stronger: cleaner composites for greener cars

The capacity of lightweight materials to reduce the transportation sector’s carbon footprint could be erased if their production isn’t efficient too. That’s why the EU-funded RECOTRANS project has developed a state-of-the-art process to manufacture composite components for cars, trains and trucks. Innovations such as these will help the EU reach its climate goals, securing a healthy environment for all citizens.

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Creating new collaborative opportunities in Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing creates cost-effective, complex parts for many industries. However, many businesses and institutions lack the necessary knowledge and experience to benefit from it. The EU-funded INEX-ADAM project aims to share best practices and encourage collaborations through a dedicated industrial platform that will strengthen European industry, boost the economy and benefit citizens.

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Building on experience

There are many factors that can influence a building's energy performance that a simulation cannot take into account. This is why one EU-funded project has gathered experience-based input from other building and energy stakeholders on what worked - and what didn't. The result is enbuibench, a platform where users can compare a building's energy use against other buildings with similar characteristics.

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