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A holistic model to help Europe’s farmers

European agriculture stands at a crossroads, with farmers under pressure from rising costs, debt, climate change and the threat of cheap imports. The EU-funded project Ploutos sought to deliver wholesale change with a Sustainable Innovation Framework that delivers powerful innovations along the value chain.

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AI trained on Classics helps historians fill in the blanks

Ancient inscriptions can teach us a lot about past civilisations. The problem is that these inscriptions are often illegible, or their place of origin is unknown. To help, the EU-funded PythiaPlus project developed an AI-based tool that historians can use to restore missing text, and establish an inscription’s original date and place of writing.

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Making island energy grids more efficient and sustainable

Energy costs more on islands, as they are typically isolated from the national grid. While greater use of renewable energy could lower these costs, most European islands don’t have the necessary grid infrastructure. The EU-funded INSULAE project’s demonstrations showcased the technical and economic viability of decentralising island energy supplies, paving a way to affordable, sustainable energy.

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From tiny spaces flow big ideas

The science of nanofluidics has the potential to revolutionise everything from water purification to computing. The EU-funded SHADOKS project set out to increase our understanding of nanofluidics, and use this new-found knowledge to build game-changing applications. The results of this work will lead to groundbreaking innovation in the years to come.

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How software that embeds emotional cues in audio helps treat patients

The power of music to evoke strong emotions is known to anyone who hears it – but the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Using sound manipulation tools that could elicit emotional responses, the EU-funded CREAM project has yielded insights into the brain. The work is also already inspiring novel clinical applications, from diagnosing speech problems to assessing brain surgery patients.

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Upgrading digital copyright law to empower Europe’s creative industries

Art in the age of digital reproduction is under threat from inadequate contracts, piracy, generative AI and limits on access. In the EU-funded reCreating Europe project, researchers, libraries, copyright experts and other stakeholders sought ways to secure culturally diverse production of art, as well as inclusive access for consumers. The results can help Europe maintain its position as a cultural and economic powerhouse in the creative industries.

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