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Artificial intelligence

AI trained on Classics helps historians fill in the blanks

Ancient inscriptions can teach us a lot about past civilisations. The problem is that these inscriptions are often illegible, or their place of origin is unknown. To help, the EU-funded PythiaPlus project developed an AI-based tool that historians can use to restore missing text, and establish an inscription’s original date and place of writing.

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The EU-funded software keeping you safe while you read this

Public bodies, businesses and citizens in the EU face an increasing risk of cyberattacks, from snooping to ransomware. The CRYSPEN project successfully demonstrated how technology developed by EU-funded cryptographic research could deliver new security standards for web browsing through a commercial spinout.

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A new technique to view the brain activity of bodies in motion

The answer to treating neurological disorders could be tucked away in our head. That’s why the EU-funded TwinBrain project developed novel technology to monitor a patient’s brain activity while they move around their environment. Not only does this advance our understanding of brain function, it could open the door to treating neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s.

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Protecting critical infrastructure in Cyprus from natural disasters

Essential services such as water, energy and transport are increasingly under pressure from climate change, cyberattack and their own growing complexity. The EU-funded KIOS Centre of Excellence, powered by young researchers, has been developing digital solutions that protect key services. The work will keep EU citizens safe while boosting the knowledge-based economy in Cyprus and beyond.

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Artificial intelligence accelerates the hunt for cancer drivers

Identifying the specific genetic mutations that cause cancer has always been a challenge. The EU-funded NONCODRIVERS project offers a solution with a pioneering approach that applies machine learning based modelling to tumour data. This could lead to more personalised therapies that save the lives of thousands of citizens every year.

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Robotics to help plants thrive in urban environments

Crowded cities aren't exactly optimal environments for plants to thrive. However, a team of EU-funded researchers is using robotics to help plants automatically grow into the unnatural shapes, sizes, and configurations that urban environments demand. As a result, cities could soon benefit from a robust green infrastructure used for everything from food production to climate control.

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