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Greek researcher, Dr Pantelis Natsiavas, is on a mission to use technology to redefine the meaning of palliative care for those affected by cancer, with the help of EU funding and 16 healthcare…
Healthy newborns is the ultimate goal of EU-funded researchers. © Halfpoint,
New treatments being developed by EU-funded researchers will improve both survival rates and the long-term…
Genetic screening of newborns could help spot rare diseases early and speed up treatment. © Valmedia,
Early genetic checks being developed by researchers with EU and industry funding will accelerate treatments…
Researchers may have found ways to make a vaccine against all strains of the flu virus, potentially saving millions of lives.
Researchers are ready to start human tests of new experimental vaccines for tuberculosis (TB), one of humanity’s oldest diseases, thanks to the combined effort of scientists from over 35 research…
The largest cancer genetic survey ever conducted is revealing how common gene alterations influence our cancer risk – and the results could potentially enable better prevention and screening.
The days when measles was a killer disease affecting thousands are firmly in the past thanks to mass immunisations. However, a fall in vaccination rates means the disease is starting to make an…
From a universal flu vaccine that could save us from a pandemic, to vaccines that target ticks and mosquitoes, Horizon looks at the science of vaccines during the month of February.
Antibiotics which break down before bacteria can evolve resistance to them; perfumes which release the heady scent of freshly cut flowers as your body heats up; and powerful cancer drugs…
The HIV virus stops at no borders. Now, the international fight-back intensifies.
Thanks to current robotics research, medical robots that can ‘think’ and act independently, or follow a human brain in motion are no longer the stuff of fantasy.
Professor Martine Piccart is a past president of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Chair of the Breast International Group (BIG) and head of medicine at the Jules Bordet…
Thousands of young people are being interviewed as the EU backs the largest study in the world into the links between mobile phone use and brain cancer in children.