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Greek researcher, Dr Pantelis Natsiavas, is on a mission to use technology to redefine the meaning of palliative care for those affected by cancer, with the help of EU funding and 16 healthcare…
Healthy newborns is the ultimate goal of EU-funded researchers. © Halfpoint,
New treatments being developed by EU-funded researchers will improve both survival rates and the long-term…
Genetic screening of newborns could help spot rare diseases early and speed up treatment. © Valmedia,
Early genetic checks being developed by researchers with EU and industry funding will accelerate treatments…
Lightweight magnetic shields could be the best way to protect an astronaut from deadly radiation as they travel to Mars or beyond.
New imaging techniques are helping give researchers an edge over nature, allowing them to create revolutionary new antibiotics which bacteria will struggle to develop resistance against.
The genome of the tsetse fly was sequenced in April, and it means scientists are closing in on a way to fight diseases caused by the pathogen it carries, according to Professor Jan Van Den Abbeele at…
Virtual reality and video games are being used to help people fight back from debilitating strokes.
People do not always get healthier after exercise – that is the finding of several EU-funded research projects looking into the prevention of lifestyle-related diabetes, heart failure and…
Many football fans watch matches on the sofa or in the pub, and their fitness levels often contrast hugely with those of the players on the field. New efforts are underway to convert their fandom…
Bluetooth-connected smart trainers could advise runners in real time if they are at risk of injuring themselves, based on an analysis of their running pattern.
The idea that an athlete could change their genes to grow bigger muscles, or increase their body’s production of red blood cells, may sound like the stuff of fantasy, but halting the development of ‘…
The challenge of tackling some diseases is too great for just one institution, company or country. The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is showing that by bringing people together, real progress…
Babies could understand our gestures from as young as two months of age, researchers believe, turning mainstream theory on its head and meaning that parents should spend more time engaging with their…