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Greek researcher, Dr Pantelis Natsiavas, is on a mission to use technology to redefine the meaning of palliative care for those affected by cancer, with the help of EU funding and 16 healthcare…
Healthy newborns is the ultimate goal of EU-funded researchers. © Halfpoint,
New treatments being developed by EU-funded researchers will improve both survival rates and the long-term…
Genetic screening of newborns could help spot rare diseases early and speed up treatment. © Valmedia,
Early genetic checks being developed by researchers with EU and industry funding will accelerate treatments…
Eat well and exercise. That is the simple message that could help reverse the spread of one of Europe’s most troubling epidemics – Type 2 diabetes.
It all started with the chance discovery of a country lane full of wild orchids by an inquisitive young girl in rural England. That young girl, Frances Ashcroft, would go on to become one of Europe’s…