EU-funded researchers are using AI to help ease the flow in Europe’s cities, making urban environments both safer and greener.
EU-funded researchers are improving the tracking and certification of biological waste to help give it a second life as new bio-based products.
Researchers are using new technologies, including AI, as well as contributions from citizen scientists, to improve how we monitor and protect increasingly threatened habitats and species across…
In 2025, the EU will set up a new polar research body that will operate from Sweden, while scientists drill deep into polar ice to study the Earth’s climate history and help mitigate the effects of…
From solar energy beamed from space to genetic brain maps and live self-repairing bridges, research in 2025 is promising. And we may see more changes that make cities greener and cleaner.
EU-funded researchers are exploring how to make strong and sustainable new materials from hard-to-crack nutshells.
EU-funded researchers are braving extreme Arctic conditions to shed light on snow’s crucial role in Earth’s climate system.
EU-funded researchers are building Europe’s capacity to monitor our seas and oceans and predict changing conditions.
EU-funded researchers are turning food processing waste into a valuable resource, transforming discarded biomaterials into natural fertilisers.
A new generation of lasers using ultrashort bursts of light is showing great potential for the sustainable manufacturing of precision parts.