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Greek researcher, Dr Pantelis Natsiavas, is on a mission to use technology to redefine the meaning of palliative care for those affected by cancer, with the help of EU funding and 16 healthcare…
Can natural materials such as silk help to regenerate human tissue? © Sofiaworld,
EU-funded researchers are exploring new nature-based solutions to stimulate skin and bone repair.
Healthy newborns is the ultimate goal of EU-funded researchers. © Halfpoint,
New treatments being developed by EU-funded researchers will improve both survival rates and the long-term…
Early genetic checks being developed by researchers with EU and industry funding will accelerate treatments for illnesses that affect millions of people in Europe.
EU-funded researchers are uncovering links between mental stress and physical troubles, including cardiovascular disease.
EU-funded researchers are taking technologies known as “smart wearables” to the next level.
EU researchers are accelerating the development of new treatments for children and other vulnerable groups.
EU researchers are taking fresh approaches to understanding a growing group of illnesses in a bid for more effective treatments.
Research into how the human brain stores information could lead to treatments for people who struggle with everyday tasks.
Farmers, companies and consumers are all helping spur improvements in EU agricultural production and diets.
More effective treatments for snakebites that afflict millions of people worldwide every year are emerging from EU research.
European researchers are pioneering a vaccine and treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
EU researchers are coming up with advanced technologies to spot early signs of fatigue and erratic behaviour in people behind the wheel.