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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Second Cycle of Technical Assistance to Support Communities of Actors to Achieve the EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters Objectives


Funding programme or initiative
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
Mission lighthouses basins
Atlantic and Arctic basinMediterranean Sea basinBaltic and North Sea basinDanube River basin
Deadline date
22 January 2025, 23:59 CET
Publication date
21 October 2024
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity2. Pollution prevention and elimination3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
Associated Regions


Status: Closed.



The technical assistance aims to support selected applicants in developing, facilitating and strengthening their actions contributing to one or more of the targets of the Mission Ocean and Waters. By participating in this call for technical assistance, selected projects will gain access to technical assessments and feasibility studies. 

The technical assistance shall match the needs, capacity, and interests of applicants, providing tailored expert support for applicants’ projects on key dimensions such as regulatory, technical, economic, operational, environmental, and commercial feasibility. 

The feasibility studies will provide an assessment of the overall viability of projects, defining risks, opportunities, and probability of success and analysing whether the planned projects are legally, technically, financially, economically, operationally, environmentally, and commercially justifiable and feasible. The studies shall also provide recommendations on how to improve the feasibility of selected actions.

Through the technical assistance, selected beneficiaries will gain a clearer understanding of the project feasibility and/or requirements to scale up and further develop the project. 


The Call for Expression of Interest seeks to collect applications from relevant communities of actors, who wish to contribute to the objectives of the Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030’ in one of the EU Mission lighthouses basins. 

Applicants must be from one of the three target communities: ports, fisheries, islands. The eligible type of actors are:

  • Ports:

Local/regional authorities and/or similar bodies; Port authorities; NGOs or equivalent entities engaged in port development activities; Professional associations locally based or engaged in local development activities; Donors, philanthropic communities; Non-for-profits (different than NGOs); Private entities (small, medium / large), start-ups, accelerator clusters, consultancies; and Trade, business, or professional organisation.

  • Fisheries:

Local/regional authorities and/or similar bodies; NGOs or equivalent entities engaged in fisheries communities, local Action Groups described by the Community-led Local Development strategies; Professional associations locally based or engaged in local development activities in the region; Fishers, fishing vessel owners, operators and crew, fish processors, aquaculture producers; Research vessels and fishing and aquaculture vessels; Marine conservationists, researchers and scientists; Donors, philanthropic communities; Non-for-profits (different than NGOs); Private entities (small, medium / large), start-ups, accelerator clusters, consultancies; and Trade, business, or professional organisation.

  • Islands:

Local/regional authorities and/or similar bodies; NGOs or equivalent entities engaged in local development activities; Professional associations based on the concerning island or engaged in local development activities of the island; Donors, philanthropic communities; Non-for-profits (different than NGOs); Private entities (small, medium / large), start-ups, accelerator clusters, consultancies; and Trade, business, or professional organisation.

Actions must be located within the Mission lighthouses basins (Mediterranean, Atlantic, Arctic, Danube, and North & Baltic Sea). 

* According to the evaluation and selection criteria set by the European Commission for delivering the technical assistance support, maximum three applications per Member States can be selected in total under both this cycle and the previous one. Please note that the application threshold has been reached for Italy and Croatia in the first cycle. Accordingly, while stakeholders from the target communities from these Member States are welcome to apply, they will not be eligible for selection in this second cycle.


No financial support will be offered under this technical assistance support.


The typical duration of the technical assistance delivery is between 4-6 months, commencing after the notification of selection. 


Contact points

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