The Call for Expression of Interest supports ports, islands and fisheries communities in developing and strengthening their actions contributing to one or more of the targets of the Mission Ocean and Waters. By participating in our calls for technical assistance, selected projects gain access to technical assessments and feasibility studies.
Technical Assistance, beneficiaries
The first cycle of the Call for Expression of Interest in spring 2024 received positive feedback from beneficiares, with 19 selected projects spanning 11 Member States. This strong response ensured broad geographic representation across all four Mission Ocean and Waters Lighthouses.
Meet the 19 selected projects
The beneficiaries' projects are organised alphabetically by lead organisation country of origin, along with their respective names and lead organisations.
Prikupljanje i uklanjanje odbačene ribolovne opreme i otpada iz mora
Lead organisation: Lokalna akcijska grupa u ribarstvu Tramuntana
Lead organisation country of origin: Croatia
Save the Adriatic undersea lives
Lead organisation: Komunalno Basilija d.o.o.
Lead organisation country of origin: Croatia
Lead organisation Organisation: WWF Adria
Lead organisation country of origin: Croatia
Den Levende Fiskerihavn
Lead organisation: Den Levende Fiskerihavn
Lead organisation country of origin: Denmark
Läänemere regiooni Eesti põhjaranniku kaitse tagamine
Lead organisation: MTÜ Hara Sadam
Lead organisation country of origin: Estonia
Planet Ruhnu Experimental Seaweed Farm
Lead organisation: Ruhnu Cultural Space (Ruhnu Kultuuriruum)
Lead organisation country of origin: Estonia
Ceinture bleue des îles de Houat et Hoedic
Lead organisation: Mairie île de Houat
Lead organisation country of origin: France
Seagrass aquaculture at scale
Lead organisation: Seagrass Blue
Lead organisation country of origin: France
Renewable energy sources for electric ships
Lead organisation: Energy Community of Chalki
Lead organisation country of origin: Greece
Decarbonisation of maritime transport between the Sicilian Region and its minor islands
Lead organisation: Regione Siciliana - Assessorato del territorio e dell'ambiente
Lead organisation country of origin: Italy
Indagini batimetriche e correntometriche e realizzazione di interventi di protezione e ripascimenti del litorale dall'area di colmata a torre Sibiliana
Lead organisation: Comune di Marsala
Lead organisation country of origin: Italy
Mare nostrum
Lead organisation: Comuni di Palermo
Lead organisation country of origin: Italy
Oczyszczanie dna Bałtyku z wraków i innych konstrukcji stalowych
Lead organisation: Fundacja Historia Vita
Lead organisation country of origin: Poland
Usunięcie wraku MV Alta z wybrzeży Irlandii
Lead organisation: Albatros sp. z o.o.
Lead organisation country of origin: Poland
Tejo Vivo: restauro ecológico das zonas portuárias do estuário do Rio Tejo
Lead organisation: Associação Natureza Portugal
Lead organisation country of origin: Portugal
Studiu Privind Potențialul De Implementare A Unor Măsuri Integrate Pentru Protejarea Biodiversității De-A Lungul Cursurilor De Apă Din Valea Jiului
Lead organisation: Asociatia Pentru Dezvoltare Teritoriala Integrată Valea Jiului
Lead organisation country of origin: Romania
TRESOILPower2X Danube Waste Plastic to Hydrogen
Lead organisation: Tresoil Biofuels SRL
Lead organisation country of origin: Romania
RESHABAY Portocolom
Lead organisation: Cleanwave Foundation
Lead organisation country of origin: Spain
Baltic Islands and Costal communities Connect - Implementing the Circular Economy in Baltic Islands through Sustainable Tourism Practices
Lead organisation: Leader Gute
Lead organisation country of origin: Sweden
Algae Accelerator - Open Call 1
The Algae Accelerator is a six-month mentorship programme designed to support startups and SMEs in the algae value chain to upscale their business strategies. The initiative aims to introduce new, sustainable alternatives to the market, addressing some of our ocean’s key challenges by boosting the development and uptake of innovative algae-based products.
Find further information about this call here and join this programme before 20 December.
You can also access a news article with further information about the Mission Ocean and Waters project AlgaeProBANOS and the social impact of their results here.
Youth4Ocean Mentorship Programme
The Youth4Ocean Forum facilitators support Young Ocean Advocates (YOAs) through project assistance and capacity-building activities, including a Mentorship program. In this program, YOAs are paired with expert mentors who offer guidance on professional growth and project implementation. This provides YOAs with resources and training tailored to their needs. However, mentors also benefit, gaining insights and experience through their involvement:
● Meeting knowledgeable, talented, passionate, creative young people who have great ideas; ● Learning about the projects developed by Young Ocean Advocates and supporting them in the implementation of their projects to deliver great impact;
● Sharing their experience and expertise;
● Expanding perspectives through interesting and insightful discussions;
● Identifying potential future partnerships and cooperation.
Are you an ocean professional, educator, science communicator? Would you like to support Young Ocean Advocates to successfully implement their projects and develop professional skills in their field of interest?
Support the Youth4Ocean Forum by becoming a Mentor for Young Ocean Advocates here!