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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Calls for Proposals for Associated Regions

To address the impact-driven approach of the Mission and the nature of Innovation Actions, funding under the Mission 'Restore our Ocean and Waters' projects is also available for Associated Regions. The goal of these calls is to showcase the feasibility, replicability, and scalability of solutions developed within these projects in other areas. 

Associated Regions represent ecosystems (e.g. neighbouring regions and/or regions in a different sea or river basin) and/or less-developed regions that can benefit from the demonstration activities, with the view to build capacity to implement the innovative solutions to restore marine and freshwater ecosystems. Associated Regions need to be located in Member States or associated countries that are not part of the original Mission 'Restore our Ocean and Waters' project consortium. Calls are specifically targeted at local and/or regional public authorities.  

 For more information on Associated Regions within Horizon Europe 2023-2024 Work Programme, please see

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Status: Open

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