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Female-led rural enterprise will help Europe achieve its environmental goals, according to an EU-funded expert.
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Researchers on a mission
Researchers on a mission
The EU is on a mission with researchers to protect our planet and society. By helping researchers discover new ways to improve people’s lives, and to protect us from climate change and global health shocks, the EU is building a better future for all of us.

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Spain’s San Estevo de Ribas de Sil monastery is often overlooked by pilgrims on a nearby route. © Basotxerri,
European tourism is getting a makeover to strengthen remote communities with the help of EU-funded researchers.
Eco-friendly electrical components made from wooden materials will help reduce e-waste. © KPixMining,
Greener sensors, circuit boards and other electronic devices are being developed by EU researchers to reduce unsustainably high levels of e-waste.

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Free movement of research and innovation will be central to renewing Europe’s Single Market
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Screening newborns to help fight rare diseases
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Past articles

Arts and culture can bring imagination and momentum to projects for putting urban neighbourhoods more in tune with nature.
EU researchers have identified new ways that certain substances can interfere with people’s hormone system and brain development.
A new generation of commercial electric vehicles is emerging to reduce air pollution and congestion in urban areas.
Improved cybersecurity defences for electronic commerce have emerged from EU-funded projects.
A major EU-funded research project on the Atlantic highlights worldwide efforts to preserve marine biodiversity under a landmark treaty.
Edible electronics are being developed to assist rescue operations and go inside hospital patients, setting the stage for all-consuming tech to become consumable.
EU researchers are seeking to expand supplies of clean aviation fuels by producing more from agricultural sources.
Calorie-filled meals with little nutrition are suspected of having an impact on decision-making and of causing an overweight trap.
EU industries from food and drinks to chemicals and biotechnology are seeking to profit from materials in water after it has been used.
The gangster lifestyles of young people in Europe and elsewhere can be altered through dialogue and education, according to researchers.
Psoriasis and eczema can have complex causes and consequences that researchers are seeking to uncover.
Research is helping strawberries and raspberries become more resilient to climate change and snacks become healthier.
Intimidation at school is a widespread and worrying phenomenon being examined through psychology and genomics.
Thermal decomposition is helping to green two major EU manufacturing industries.
As the environmental and economic costs of industrial farming grow, so do opportunities to spur an ecological change.
Researchers are going beyond conventional solar panels in a bid to generate heat and electricity from the other external surfaces of buildings.
Researchers are exploring links between microorganisms in the human gut and neurodevelopmental disorders in the hope of accelerating diagnosis and treatment.
It’s not just trees that help tackle global warming but also the ground in which they grow.
Consumer demand in the EU is growing for more sustainable food production.
Advances in plane technology promise one day to help many people in Europe and elsewhere get a better night’s sleep.
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