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Social Sciences

Learning science outside the classroom will help students better understand the world around them, say researchers. © M. Schlossmacher / EFI, 2024
EU-funded researchers are exploring new ways to learn that make science more relevant to everyday life – and more fun.
Researchers are drawing on personal migration stories, both past and present, to help inform migration policies. © Fishman64,
Historical flows of refugees and their personal tales are the focus of EU-funded researchers seeking to help…
Spain’s San Estevo de Ribas de Sil monastery is often overlooked by pilgrims on a nearby route. © Basotxerri,
European tourism is getting a makeover to strengthen remote communities with the help of EU-funded…
Legalising people’s migration status makes them more rather than less likely to return to their country of origin, researchers say, highlighting just one of the ways that science can contribute to…
Legalising people’s migration status makes them more rather than less likely to return to their country of origin, researchers say, highlighting just one of the ways that science can contribute to…
Postal voting systems - where people vote from home prior to the election and return their ballot paper by mail - can discourage people from voting in the next election, according to recent European…
For some, social media may seem like it is just filled with selfies, gossip and videos of cats, but others are using it to tackle issues critical to our society such as the environment and…
Trade openness can protect developing countries against economic shocks, researchers believe.
Bygone Asian cotton and porcelain trade routes could have spurred the consumption of luxury goods in Europe, researchers believe, while scientific cooperation with modern Asia is still leading to new…
Much of the focus in trade talks around the world at present is on regional deals, rather than global agreements. But researchers say the goal of multilateral pacts will remain in the medium and…
How should the welfare state evolve in the 21st century? Researchers are looking at everything from healthcare to immigration to design new systems fit for a post-crisis Europe that is facing…
The recession, an ash cloud, floods, a food scandal or terrorist attacks; each event is different, but is it possible that they behave in a similar way? Social scientists are identifying…
There’s a 5 000-year-old mystery to the Bronze Age – where did people then get the tin needed to forge and smelt the dark yellow metal that gives the period its name?