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Social Sciences

Learning science outside the classroom will help students better understand the world around them, say researchers. © M. Schlossmacher / EFI, 2024
EU-funded researchers are exploring new ways to learn that make science more relevant to everyday life – and more fun.
Researchers are drawing on personal migration stories, both past and present, to help inform migration policies. © Fishman64,
Historical flows of refugees and their personal tales are the focus of EU-funded researchers seeking to help…
Spain’s San Estevo de Ribas de Sil monastery is often overlooked by pilgrims on a nearby route. © Basotxerri,
European tourism is getting a makeover to strengthen remote communities with the help of EU-funded…
Researchers are using fMRI scanners and specially designed questions to decode your mind, and it’s helping them unpick the links between behaviour and emotions.
It’s one of the mysteries that has confounded scientists for over a century – if you offer sick people fake pills and say it will help cure them, it often will. Now, researchers are working out…
It is possible for Europe to shift to a decarbonised economy – and even achieve full employment at the same time – but only if there is government leadership, large upfront investment, and a new way…
People will need to lead less materialistic lifestyles if we are to transition to a green economy, but the challenge in changing actual behaviours and lifestyles lies in overcoming our ingrained…
Omens of the 2008 financial crisis may have been all around us – we just did not know how to read them. Now, computer scientists, physicists and economists are studying the inner workings of complex…
Just because a singer is no longer alive shouldn’t mean they can’t release a new song, just as being born several centuries too late shouldn’t prevent you from appreciating medieval life. That, at…
Young people across Europe are not politically disengaged as is commonly assumed, a research study has found.
Investing in cultural heritage will help strengthen Europe’s economy, with the benefits extending far beyond tourism, according to Professor Simon Thurley, former chief executive of English Heritage…
In-brain electrodes and memory tests taken under stressful conditions are revealing how our brains control attention, which could lead to new strategies for reducing distraction and help pupils to…
Preliminary results from a research study into young people’s media habits carried out at the University of Amsterdam reveal that about 5 % of young teenagers can be classified as addicted to social…