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Enrico Letta, the former Prime Minister of Italy, is President of the Delors Institute. © European Union, 2024
Strategic report on the future of the European Single Market points to key role for European research and innovation.
Researchers are drawing on personal migration stories, both past and present, to help inform migration policies. © Fishman64,
Historical flows of refugees and their personal tales are the focus of EU-funded researchers seeking to help…
Spain’s San Estevo de Ribas de Sil monastery is often overlooked by pilgrims on a nearby route. © Basotxerri,
European tourism is getting a makeover to strengthen remote communities with the help of EU-funded…
You’ve heard of Google, but you probably haven’t heard of Qwant…. yet. This French search engine, based around the concept of privacy, is just one of a number of companies to receive growth finance…
Eye-tracking systems will be available in cars from next year thanks to an EU initiative to back loans to Europe’s high-tech small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Enhancing trust in science through public engagement and open, transparent research is vital if we are to avoid descending into a 'post-factual society', according to Carlos Moedas, the European…
The EU has adjusted its 2017 research funding plans to help bring science to bear on Europe's migration problem, enhance open science and increase innovation. 
The EU should continue to catch up with the US and Japan in terms of innovation performance over the next couple of years, according to a new forward-looking analysis produced as part of its yearly…
A device that can convert the kinetic energy of the waves into electricity that can be fed into the grid has won a EUR 10 million loan from the EU to enable its Finnish developer to build the first…
Thinking big, being open to advice and guidance, and having an innovative business model are key ingredients for attracting venture capital (VC) financing, say European fund managers who are looking…
It would look at home in a space colony, but a prototype has been tested in a rural village in Ghana.
The EU has outlined its plans for a European Open Science Cloud that will bring together existing infrastructures and open up scientific data across disciplines and across Member States.
The EU’s new Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) panel will deliver its first official advice to the European Commission – on how to close the gap between vehicle CO2 emission levels in the real world…