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Enrico Letta, the former Prime Minister of Italy, is President of the Delors Institute. © European Union, 2024
Strategic report on the future of the European Single Market points to key role for European research and innovation.
Researchers are drawing on personal migration stories, both past and present, to help inform migration policies. © Fishman64,
Historical flows of refugees and their personal tales are the focus of EU-funded researchers seeking to help…
Spain’s San Estevo de Ribas de Sil monastery is often overlooked by pilgrims on a nearby route. © Basotxerri,
European tourism is getting a makeover to strengthen remote communities with the help of EU-funded…
Relying just on numbers to assess gender equality is insufficient because companies and researchers are smart enough to game the system, a conference in Brussels, Belgium, has heard.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community, the predecessor of the EU. During that time, the EU has provided more than EUR 200…
There is an urgent need to understand what would enable the middle-class families that make up the majority of Europe’s migrants to stay in their home countries, a meeting to secure research…
Science diplomacy – where scientific collaboration is used to promote broader discussions between countries – enables scientists to help tackle issues such as protectionism and government control…
Connected and automated cars could improve road safety, pollution levels and social inclusion, but only if implemented well – and now is the time to shape the course of events, EU research…
An EU-wide ban on so-called backdoors in software would reduce pressure on companies to allow governments a secret way into a system, as well as strengthen cybersecurity across Europe, according to a…
An entrepreneur who helps innovative products get to market by creating collaborations between the arts, sciences, academia and industry, has earned first place in the 2017 EU Prize for Women…
European products could be stamped with a recognised ‘Made in Europe’ tag to help stimulate growth in the continent, the first European industry conference heard.
A finger prick test that can show almost instantly whether an infection is bacterial or viral has won EUR 1 million from the EU as part of the first-ever Horizon Prize.
A pan-EU venture capital fund of funds – which could allow investors to write big cheques without having to micromanage their investments – will help make Europe's small and medium-sized companies…