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Greek researcher, Dr Pantelis Natsiavas, is on a mission to use technology to redefine the meaning of palliative care for those affected by cancer, with the help of EU funding and 16 healthcare…
Healthy newborns is the ultimate goal of EU-funded researchers. © Halfpoint,
New treatments being developed by EU-funded researchers will improve both survival rates and the long-term…
Genetic screening of newborns could help spot rare diseases early and speed up treatment. © Valmedia,
Early genetic checks being developed by researchers with EU and industry funding will accelerate treatments…
Literary masterpieces and other educational activities feature in EU-funded efforts to help displaced young people feel at home across the continent.
By harnessing unusual allies, pioneering cancer treatments could reduce the need for invasive surgery and save lives.
Millions of people in Europe and elsewhere suffer degeneration of joint cartilage in the knee, driving EU research into better treatments.
Marijuana shows promise in treating illnesses ranging from depression and addiction to arthritis and epilepsy.
EU researchers are examining how bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms could boost the health of both plants and animals.
EU researchers are looking for new ways to tackle bloodstream infections that kill millions of people worldwide every year.
Researchers in Europe are working to counter potential risks from nanomaterials used by a range of industries for technological advances.
Understanding the deep connections among human, animal and environmental health is more important than ever, according to the two heads of a groundbreaking EU research project.
Compounds found in seaweed may reduce a serious digestive-tract illness.
Two major illnesses in Europe have prompted EU researchers to hunt for cures by grouping affected people.