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Results (246)

Showing results 20 to 30
  • Multimedia (Visuals, video)

BioLearn: Biomimicry for Schools

Biomimicry for schools includes materials for teachers aimed at teaching primary and secondary school classes on biomimicry. The materials include a wide range of topics methods and tools that help...

Mission objective
Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Bio-based materials Blue biotechnologies
  • Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)


This study focuses on addressing plastic waste pollution by examining biodegradable plastics. These plastics are considered in the context of terrestrial littering and marine plastic pollution. The...

Mission objective
Objective 1b - Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity Focus on freshwater Objective 2a - Prevent and eliminate pollution - litter and microplastics Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Microplastics Plastic pollution Freshwater ecosystem
  • Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)

Black Sea Ocean Literacy Network

As part of the BRIDGE-BS project, this network brings together marine scientists, educators, and ocean professionals. The platform is aimed at inventorying, documenting and mapping ongoing and recent...

Mission objective
Enabler 1 - Ocean digital knowledge system Enabler 2a - Mobilisation and engagement Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Ocean literacy Near-shore restoration actions Active learning Clean ocean
  • Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)

Blue Growth Checks. Mapping the Blue Economy in the case study regions

This report focuses on mapping the state of the Blue Economy in the case study regions of the Land-Sea-Act project. The study reveals diverse local economic structures, with coastal tourism dominating...

Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Blue economy entrepreneurship Coastal resilience Maritime space
  • Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)

Blue Growth- Drivers and alternative scenarios for the Gulf of Finland and the Archipelago Sea

The scenario-building report consists of multiple alternative future visions based on both qualitative and quantitative data. Expert views were included in the process from the Delphi studies, the...

Mission objective
Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space Objective 3b - Blue economy - carbon-neutral and circular fisheries and aquaculture
Blue economy entrepreneurship Circular economy approaches Ecosystem approach
  • Tools (tools and applications used to design, develop, implement project or program, also data analysis tools)

Blue Land Geoportal

The Blue Land Geoportal is web-based portal for interactive visualisation of the spatial data collected in the Aare Project and organised in a common spatial infrastructure. The portal combines...

Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space Enabler 1 - Ocean digital knowledge system Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Ecosystem approach Environmental protection Coastal maritime tourism Freshwater ecosystem Maritime space Species and habitat Ocean observation
  • Tools (tools and applications used to design, develop, implement project or program, also data analysis tools)

BlueBio database of cooperation in fisheries, aquaculture, seafood processing and marine biotech

The BlueBio Research Projects' Web-Mapping Applications is an extensive online database of activities and projects related to fisheries, aquaculture, seafood processing, marine biotechnology, and...

Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space Objective 3b - Blue economy - carbon-neutral and circular fisheries and aquaculture Enabler 1 - Ocean digital knowledge system Enabler 2a - Mobilisation and engagement Enabler 2b - Raising awareness
Aquatic plants and algae Bio-based materials Fisheries Marine bio-degradable materials Blue biotechnologies
  • Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)

BLUEfasma - Policy Recommendations and Key messages

This report identifies the key issues raised by the BLUEfasma project and proposes Policy Recommendations for the successful integration and implementation of the CE principles in Mediterranean...

Mission objective
Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space Objective 3b - Blue economy - carbon-neutral and circular fisheries and aquaculture Enabler 2a - Mobilisation and engagement
Blue biotechnologies Fisheries Maritime space Circular economy approaches
  • Tools (tools and applications used to design, develop, implement project or program, also data analysis tools)

BlueHealth Toolbox

The BlueHealth Toolbox has been created to help maximise the health and wellbeing benefits to humans while protecting the environment. By collecting information about places and the people using or...

Mission objective
Objective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space Objective 3c - Blue economy - Decarbonisation and ecosystem perspectives in maritime industries
Ecosystem approach Environmental protection
  • Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)

Blueprint : An approach to scale up solutions to achieve “zero plastic pollution” in the Mediterranean islands

This document consolidates exemplary practices into seven distinct categories for distribution and implementation in diverse regions. Its objective is to broaden the adoption of current tools and...

Mission objective
Objective 2a - Prevent and eliminate pollution - litter and microplastics
Plastic pollution Marine litter Microplastics

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