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- Green Deal Projects Support Office
Watch the Network of Multipliers webinar from the Green Deal Projects Support Office, designed to keep you informed about the latest innovations and outputs from the 73 Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call-funded projects and the thematic working groups.
Hear how these ground-breaking projects successfully engage European citizens, advance our knowledge and understanding of innovative technologies and bring together a diverse range of organisations to progress us towards a just, sustainable and climate-neutral Europe by 2050.
Projects featured in this webinar:
- PROBONO - creating a vegetable garden as a hub for team building, learning and empowerment of communities (Urban Environment and Mobility)
- FIRELOGUE - putting in place clustering events to foster collaboration and support joint outputs (Climate Change and Biodiversity)
- FIRE-RES - developing a crowdsourcing mobile app to support reliable fuel mapping across Europe to address forest fire risk (Climate Change and Biodiversity)
- SUPERB - making forest restoration a societal action (Climate Change and Biodiversity)
- ARV - involving tenants in energy efficiency improvements (Urban Environment and Mobility)
You can also find out about the quarterly newsletter which will keep you updated on developments from the projects.
Join the network
If you are not already a member, we invite you to join our network of multipliers to stay up to date on the latest news from the projects, and help share their pioneering outputs and learnings with your network.
Download the slides
Missed the event? Watch the recording to catch up here.