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  • Knowledge and citizens
  • 03 August 2023

GDA - Green Digital Accessibility

After a successful inaugural conference in 2022, the Green Digital Accessibility Conference is back this year offering a platform to bridge work in digital media, communication, and environment, with

  • 02 August 2023

The future of the Silesia region is circular!

Bringing together key regional actors from politics, industry, society and science is a vital step towards economic changes and a shift to green production technologies. On 22nd and 23rd May 2023, a

  • Knowledge and citizens
  • 19 July 2023

NEW Funding Opportunities for Pilot Projects

ACCTING is launching a call to local authorities, non-profit organisations and collective representation bodies working in the areas of energy, mobility, food, disaster management or biodiversity, to

  • Climate change and biodiversity
  • 22 June 2023

Europe seeks flourishing forests through restoration

Efforts to improve biodiversity in Europe’s woodlands will help them better withstand the stresses of climate change.

In a vast sandy pine forest bordering the Atlantic Ocean in south-west France, an

Quarterly updates and the latest news from the EU Green Deal Projects Support Office