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Current research projects commit to Gender and Diversity as part of the working culture and as essential components of the research area in multidisciplinary teams. However, during project implementation often the monitoring of gender and diversity is less prominently addressed. At LOCALISED, they have included Gender and Diversity as inherent part of the project management and it is monitored regularly by project partners. A methodology was defined in an official report (LOCALISED Deliverable 1.5) at the beginning of the project. In the attached Factsheet, they share some of the main insights on translating commitment to Gender and Diversity into tangible actions and results within multidisciplinary research projects.

For more information, a copy of the Factsheet has been attached.


For the original article and images, please visit LOCALISED 's resource page, here



FACT SHEET - Gender and Diversity monitoring in multidisciplinary research projects
(1.08 MB - PDF)