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Professor Maria Chiara Carrozza is a robotics expert who leads Italy’s National Research Council. © Cnr
Automation will play a growing role in people’s lives and Europe has the know-how to lead the way, according to a top Italian researcher.
Professor Manuel Heitor chairs an expert group evaluating the EU research programme. © Manuel Heitor
EU research, which has improved society and the economy for decades, now needs to engage more young people…
As climate change accelerates, so too should the definition of prosperity. Image credit: CC0 via Unsplash
As Europe embraces clean energy to fight climate change, a leading ecological economist argues for going…
EU citizens will be able to compare cancer incidence and survival rates across Member States once a continent-wide cancer information system is operational next year, according to Professor Alexander…
Non-edible biomass could replace petrochemicals in providing energy to heat and light our homes, as well as in producing a vast array of plastics, lubricants, paints and a host of industrial…
The stigma associated with AIDS and homophobia has made the pandemic even more destructive as in many countries it drives people away from modern treatment that could let them live a normal life,…
People will need to lead less materialistic lifestyles if we are to transition to a green economy, but the challenge in changing actual behaviours and lifestyles lies in overcoming our ingrained…
Our understanding of many drugs and diseases is from studies based on predominantly male animal models and assumptions that their conclusions also apply to women, but this must change, says Professor…
How we perceive smell is more complicated than which molecules are detected by our noses, it also depends on our physical and emotional state, according to Professor Emre Yaksi from the …
Graphene production could become a very attractive market for small- and medium-sized enterprises, according to Dr Amaia Zurutuza, scientific director of the graphene production company Graphenea,…
Young researchers should pick a question they are really interested in, and then go after it with gusto, says materials scientist Professor Nicola Spaldin, who has been named winner of the 2015…
Open science should mean that citizens have the chance to put questions to scientists and have a say on the kind of innovations that are being funded, according to Professor Alan Irwin from the…
Researchers and funding agencies will foot the cost of publishing academic papers rather than readers, as academic journals adapt to a world in which open access becomes increasingly important,…