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With increasing pressure on water supplies, finding ways to safely and efficiently reuse wastewater is a priority. © Stor24,
Reusing wastewater could be the solution to Europe’s growing water scarcity problem.
Eco-friendly electrical components made from wooden materials will help reduce e-waste. © KPixMining,
Greener sensors, circuit boards and other electronic devices are being developed by EU researchers to reduce…
The 1.8GW Grand’Maison hydroelectric station in the French Alps is the largest pumped storage hydropower facility in Europe. © Sylvain B,
The EU drive towards green energy is seeking to harness a traditionally clean power source – with some tweaks.
The EU has teamed up with companies to help keep Europe’s position in sectors such as construction, robotics, photonics, high-performance computing and telecoms, create jobs, and tackle some of…
Researchers have copied bones, ligaments and muscles to make a robot torso that moves just like a human.
Research in robotics could lead to machines that can navigate the sea like fish and check out large remote structures from the air. 
Automated coal mining equipment is helping cut down on wastage in Europe's coal mines, and make the process cleaner and safer.
As the moon spins around the earth, its gravity creates a bulge in the oceans that causes tides. Researchers are working out ways to tap into this immense power, and smart sensors could help them do…
Techniques are being devised to capture greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane from the burning or extracting of fossil fuels - before they cause damage to the atmosphere.
Dr Suchitra Sebastian is looking for materials that are so conductive they do not lose any energy at all, and if she succeeds it would be a step towards reducing the amount of electricity required to…
Researchers are working on ways to make silicon-free solar cells that are more energy-efficient.
Ministers representing many of the world's main economic powers met on 6 September 2013 to show their support for one of the world’s most ambitious scientific experiments – a nuclear fusion reactor…
Sustainable buildings should be different depending on where they are in Europe - that's according to the developers of one of the world's greenest office buildings.