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Chef training course improves sustainability of school food systems

The SchoolFood4Change initiative transforms European school food systems by promoting healthy, sustainable diets. It includes whole-school food integration and chef training to help food personnel prepare nutritious, locally sourced meals. 

By fostering collaboration and establishing a network of change agents, the initiative encourages widespread adoption of sustainable practices, enhancing community health and environmental awareness.

Chef training SchoolFood4Change


The SchoolFood4Change initiative is dedicated to developing sustainable and accessible food systems, with a particular focus on promoting healthy and environmentally friendly diets. Targeting over 3 000 schools and 600 000 pupils across 12 EU countries, the project leverages a whole school food approach, integrating educational initiatives, hands-on workshops, and sustainable meal plans. This approach aims to cultivate an appreciation among students for nutritious, plant-based, and locally sourced food, empowering them to make informed dietary choices that benefit both their health and the planet. Through its comprehensive strategy, SchoolFood4Change acts as a catalyst for broader societal change, inspiring communities, policymakers, and food providers to embrace a more sustainable food system.

Description of success

The SchoolFood4Change Chef Training Course significantly advanced sustainable school food practices. Conducted at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Italy, the course targeted school food personnel from across Europe, emphasising the integration of sustainability into school meals. Key themes like food preferences, progressive exposure, circular cooking, and active learning were covered, culminating in a sustainable menu and a pilot lunch showcasing the learnings.

This training session brought together 55 professionals from 12 European countries, facilitating a rich cultural and professional exchange. The engagement and competence of the participants influenced the group dynamics and set the precedent for replicating the training in partner countries. This initiative improved the quality and sustainability of school meals, while also establishing a network of school chefs and cooks across Europe, laying a foundation for the widespread adoption of sustainable practices in school food systems.


  • The Chef Training Course, with its blend of lectures, practical activities, and co-design workshops, has underscored SchoolFood4Change's commitment to enriching school food personnel's knowledge and skills in sustainable meal preparation.
  • Attracting 55 professionals from 12 different European nations, the course exemplified the project's dedication to fostering a diverse and collaborative learning environment.
  • Participants had the opportunity to apply what they learned in a Food Lab, culminating in the creation and preparation of a sustainable menu, thereby demonstrating the tangible outcomes of their training.
  • The emphasis on sustainability, through modules on food preferences, progressive exposure, circular cooking, and active learning, highlighted SchoolFood4Change's aim to integrate eco-friendly practices into school canteens.
  • The establishment of a strong network among European school chefs and cooks facilitated a platform for ongoing collaboration and knowledge exchange, enhancing the project's impact beyond the training course.


SchoolFood4Change has successfully trained 55 school chefs, urban food enablers and food ambassadors. They will now have the tools to return to their communities and use their new knowledge when meal planning and cooking. A co-benefit of these training sessions is the establishment of a network of sustainably conscious professional school chefs, who can continue to collaborate and share ideas beyond the project lifetime.  


The impact of the SchoolFood4Change Chef Training Course extends beyond immediate training outcomes, setting a precedent for sustainable school food systems. Through hands-on workshops and a focus on circular cooking and sustainability, the course empowered 55 professionals, creating a network of informed change agents. These newly trained chefs and food ambassadors are now equipped to influence their communities and implement sustainable practices in school meals, contributing to a broader movement towards environmentally friendly diets. This training initiative lays the groundwork for subsequent train-the-trainer events, amplifying the project's reach and developing a culture of sustainability in school food systems across Europe.


Whilst education and imparting knowledge on cooking sustainably was the focus of the day, the networking aspect became just as important. It demonstrated the value of having in-person trainings. Food is cultural and community-based and therefore being able to share the unique perspectives of the different participants on food habits and the food system enriched the experience. Participants were able to learn from each other through a cultural exchange to understand and confront both common and uncommon challenges.  The connections that were formed on the day contribute to the creation of a network of change makers towards a more sustainable food system.

Other information

SchoolFood4Change has published a news article on its website, sharing insights into the training day.

Photo of the SchoolFood4Change chef training day

Project details

Project name
Working group
Food and health

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