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3rd Network of Multipliers webinar: Success stories and highlights from H2020 Green Deal projects


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Green Deal Projects Support Office

The Green Deal Projects Support Office is funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation to help maximise the impact from the Horizon 2020 projects funded under the Green Deal Call through promoting synergies, strengthening skills, developing joint activities and facilitating outreach. Part of the outreach strategy is to facilitate connections between interested parties and the Horizon 2020 projects through a Network of Multipliers.

We invite you learn more about our Network of Multipliers to stay up to date on the activities, progress, and results of these cutting-edge projects. The Network of Multipliers holds two annual webinars, a newsletter and opportunities to follow and connect to these projects. Additionally, you will be informed about other Green Deal Projects Support Office activities such as training and webinars on a range of themes, such as citizen science, the mission for climate adaptation, and food and technology. 

Register with the Network of Multipliers here

On 12 July we held the 3rd Network of Multipliers webinar, “Presenting the Green Deal Call projects: Success stories and highlights from Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call projects”. During the webinar, 11 Green Deal Call projects detailed their recent success stories, which was then followed by a Q&A session where attendees were able to interact with the projects. Watch the recording below and download the slides to see the projects and their success stories.

Feel free to share information about the Network of Multipliers and this webinar with your network or anyone who you think may be interested.

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