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Silvanus burnt forest

SILVANUS had trailblazed through this week through the pilot demonstration exercise in the Moravian-Silesian Region of Czechia.

The Czech pilot took place between 4th and 6th of June in the City of Ostrava and the Municipality of Krásná, and as the first pilot to take place in 2024, it served as the opening venue of the first full testing of the SILVANUS platform. 

Whereas the first trial period of pilots in 2023 focused on individual user products and data collection, the 2nd trial period of 2024 is testing the overall integrated technological platform for wildfire management, the core product of the project. 

Examples of platform components that were tested in detail are drones, robots, the MESH-in-the-Sky communication system, fire detection from IoT devices, fire detection at the edge, citizen engagement app, health impact assessment and evacuation route planning, taking the concept of integrated fire management into account.

Along with the pilot exercise, a workshop was carried out at the Technical University of Ostrava – Faculty of Safety Engineering, where the project goals, the platform, and methodologies were introduced.

Thank you (Děkuji!) to the Fire Rescue Brigade of Moravian-Silesian Region for organising the pilot, and to all the SILVANUS partners and stakeholders for attending and working hard to make this pilot a success. 


For the original story and images, please visit the Silvanus news page, here.