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The Barcelona Living Lab organized an EU partner event activity during the European Green Week

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During the European Green Week, various entities involved in projects funded by European projects organize activities to raise awareness about the impact of climate change and promote more sustainable practices. The research group GAMA from the Department of Applied Physics at the University of Barcelona organized a citizen science activity in the Barcelona Living Lab on Extreme Events to participate.

The GAMA activity consisted of collecting high-resolution meteorological data with MeteoTracker devices while rollerblading through Barcelona city. It took place on the afternoon of June 7th at the Civic Center of Besòs i del Maresme, where in a first part, the researchers explained the I-CHANGE project and offered a short training about the unequal impact of extreme temperatures in Barcelona and the importance of obtaining high-resolution data to better understand how temperature behaves as well as the urban heat island effect within the city. A brief explanation about the devices also took place, introducing the MeteoTracker to the participants as a low-cost citizen science sensor designed to record meteorological data while in motion (pressure, temperature, and humidity). Then three different routes were presented. They have been designed to cross different urban environments of the city (classified using Local Climate Zones) and all of them were suitable for rollerblading. Finally, participants were divided into three different groups and the sensors were configured and installed on the helmets of the skaters, and the data recording while performing the designed paths begin.

At the end of the data recording activity, we gathered together to share the experience and a refreshment was offered to the participants. The results of the session will be shared with the participants in a second session.

A special thanks to our colleagues from the Clup Patí Barcelona who helped us to engage the skaters to take part in the activity.


Read original article and pictures from the iChange website here