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Science in society

Dr Maura Farrell, associate professor at the University of Galway in Ireland, runs an EU-funded project to promote women’s role in farming. © Maura Farrell
Female-led rural enterprise will help Europe achieve its environmental goals, according to an EU-funded expert.
Eco-friendly electrical components made from wooden materials will help reduce e-waste. © KPixMining,
Greener sensors, circuit boards and other electronic devices are being developed by EU researchers to reduce…
Barbara Trachte is secretary of state of the Brussels-Capital Region responsible for research. ©Barbara Trachte
A Belgian region’s environmental and social conditions for research funding offer a possible model for the EU.
Researchers in Europe have identified an underground signal that may be a precursor to strong quakes.
Researchers are seeking to ensure that people retain their ability to detect scents.
Home-test kits and mobile labs for detecting a tumour in tissue near the uterus are improving healthcare in remote or marginalised communities.
Arts and culture can bring imagination and momentum to projects for putting urban neighbourhoods more in tune with nature.
A major EU-funded research project on the Atlantic highlights worldwide efforts to preserve marine biodiversity under a landmark treaty.
Edible electronics are being developed to assist rescue operations and go inside hospital patients, setting the stage for all-consuming tech to become consumable.
Calorie-filled meals with little nutrition are suspected of having an impact on decision-making and of causing an overweight trap.
EU industries from food and drinks to chemicals and biotechnology are seeking to profit from materials in water after it has been used.
The gangster lifestyles of young people in Europe and elsewhere can be altered through dialogue and education, according to researchers.
Intimidation at school is a widespread and worrying phenomenon being examined through psychology and genomics.