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Using satellite data to monitor sea ice and icebergs will significantly improve safety for ships navigating the Arctic region. © Nicolas Dubreuil, 2025
With sea traffic set to rise in a warming Arctic, EU-funded researchers are helping sailors plot a safer course through sea ice and icebergs thanks to more reliable satellite-based forecasts.
New digital passports for wine combine chemistry and blockchain technology to guarantee authenticity. © Barillo_Images,
EU-funded researchers have developed smart tags to guarantee the authenticity and traceability of wine from…
Consumers are increasingly demanding seafood that is sustainably sourced and quality checked. © Kaspars Grinvalds,
EU-funded researchers are joining forces to meet consumer demands to know more about where seafood comes from…
What pregnant women eat and the diet of their new-born babies could be the key to defeating the looming obesity epidemic – and may even make children smarter.
Scientists are more certain than ever that humans are the cause of global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said in its most authoritative report to date, drawing on…
An 18-year-old who made a machine to multiply DNA in his bedroom won a top prize at Europe’s 25th young scientist award, and he plans to use the prize money to invest in his own laboratory.
Science graduates, museum staff and enthusiasts across Europe are sharing their passion for research by organising temporary exhibitions in shopping centres and parks to help inspire the next…
Lithuanian Laurynas Pliuškys hopes that the research he is doing could help find a cure for arthritis, and it’s thanks to Europe’s young scientist award that has been giving researchers the…
Each Autumn, just before the announcement in Stockholm of the genuine Nobel Prize laureates, a band of merry men at Harvard University distribute the ‘Ig Nobel Prizes’. These awards recognise real…
Denmark’s best-preserved 17th century wreck may have gone completely unnoticed if it hadn’t been lying close to the path of a construction project.
The Ottoman mansion of Hassan Bey in the seismically active medieval centre of Rhodes, Greece, does not worry civil engineers – even though the building is faulty because its floor isn’t very well…
For scientists, packing up their lab coats and microscopes and heading to foreign laboratories can really pay dividends. Thanks to initiatives like Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships, women…
Across the Atlantic, scientists are also making use of open access journals. In Canada, the national medical association started publishing a totally new, fully ‘open’ journal in January.