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The robot that moves like a human

Researchers have copied bones, ligaments and muscles to make a robot torso that moves just like a human.
The ECCERobot shown here in the studio in Divonne-les-Bains, France, is based on the human anatomy. Image courtesy of The Robot Studio

The principles behind the EU-funded ECCERobot project could be used to inspire future robots that are designed to work around people.

Horizon sent a camera crew to France to meet the designers behind the ECCERobot technology, and find out what they plan to do next.

ECCERobot finished at the end of 2011, and the project’s industrial partner, The Robot Studio, is now working on completing the body of the robot. It has also teamed up with Maxon Motors of Switzerland to focus on open source distribution of the designs.

That means people will be able to download and print their own robot using a 3D printer.




More info

The Robot Studio

DG CONNECT robotics projects

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