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Clean combustion expert Dr Chong Cheng Tung says that waste cooking oil and biomass are the most promising sources for green jet fuel. Image credit - Dr Chong Cheng Tung
Blending biofuels and kerosene to create greener jet fuel has shown promising results in test flights, but more work needs to be done to ensure biofuels burn cleanly and can be produced in a large-…
Through Grassroots Wavelengths, FM frequencies work off a transmitter connected to a mobile phone, broadcasting over a radius of up to 12 km. Image Credit - Andreea Bonea / RootIO, licensed under CC BY-NC
Modern communications technology means one can find anything, anywhere around the world, on the internet and…
Complex Earth observation data is being turned into real-time tools to help solve problems on the ground in Africa. Image credit - MERIS mosaic of Africa, May 2004 by ESA is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
Scientists have created a solar atlas of Egypt, revealing where the sun’s rays shine most brilliantly and…
People are more likely to have a mobile phone than access to a proper toilet, yet for many, power cuts and intermittent supply mean they’re often out of reach – until now.
As signs of intensifying climate change are seen in Europe, researchers are looking into how life will change for people who live in the Arctic, and helping to count the global economic cost of the…
A new breed of emergency shelter with built-in solar power, a backpack that gives access to mobile charging and a bag that converts manure into cooking gas are among the new generation of emergency…
Mini-grids, mobile payments and smart meters are all helping to create an off-grid model of electricity provision in Africa, helped by bottom-up funding and low-cost solar power, according to Michael…
It would look at home in a space colony, but a prototype has been tested in a rural village in Ghana.
The sooner-than-expected discovery of gravitational waves, announced in February, has given a new impetus to scientists in the field, who are now working to make sense of what it means not only for…
Research that includes input from communities and people working in areas affected by climate change should provide critical input into the sixth assessment due to be undertaken by the…
Microbicides that release antiretroviral drugs into the vagina or anus could neutralise HIV before it gets a foothold in the body. 
What happens in the Arctic will affect the whole of Europe, and the EU’s integrated Arctic strategy published on 27 April helps us understand the direction in which the global climate is moving,…
With hundreds of viewports of different lengths jutting from its outer wall, the Wendelstein 7-X looks otherworldly — more like science fiction than an experimental fusion reactor dreamt up by human…