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Innovation Union

Innovation does not happen by itself, it needs an innovation-friendly environment to flourish. © Corbis Images
The ‘Innovation Union’ is one of Europe’s antidotes to the financial crisis. It is a way of creating jobs and growth through research and innovation.
The EU is catching up with the US and Japan on innovation. Credit: EBS
A decrease in private sector innovation activities means that levels of innovation in the EU did not increase…
There could be an effective Ebola vaccine in 2015, said infectious diseases researcher Dr Javier Moreno. Image: Shutterstock/ jaddingt
A vaccine against the Ebola virus and new low-cost solar cells that use the principle of artificial…
Antibiotics which break down before bacteria can evolve resistance to them; perfumes which release the heady scent of freshly cut flowers as your body heats up; and powerful cancer drugs…
Thanks to current robotics research, medical robots that can ‘think’ and act independently, or follow a human brain in motion are no longer the stuff of fantasy.
Cancer treatments could change radically over the next decade, thanks to technology that can monitor cancer cell mutations in real time.
Medical researchers are using genetic engineering to revolutionise the treatment of cancer.
From wind turbines in Germany to solar panels in Spain, regions across the EU are using natural resources to become specialists in their own type of sustainable energy, bringing much-needed…
Belgian Professor François Englert and British Professor Peter Higgs received the Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 for their work that led to the idea of a mass-giving particle, almost fifty years after…
Electronic systems are at the heart of new technology, and a partnership between the EU and industry aims to secure Europe's supply. 
Europe’s skies will be cleaner and quieter thanks to a proposed partnership between the EU and industry. During the partnership, technologies will be developed to help cut noise and…
Europe’s agricultural by-products could be increasingly used to give people greener everyday commodities, such as oil-free vehicle fuel and bio-plastics, thanks to a planned multi-billion-euro…
Zero emission vehicles could help reduce Europe’s carbon footprint, create jobs and preserve energy security if investment in an ambitious new energy partnership pays off.