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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

The European Commission is calling on a wide range of stakeholders, including public or private organisations, national/regional/local authorities (including cities and ports), philanthropists and investors, enterprises and businesses, civil society, research and academia to adhere to the Mission Charter by submitting actions for achieving the Mission objectives.

Any actions at European, transnational, national, regional/local level, promoted by public or private funds (including crowd funding), contributing to the Mission objectives are welcome!

Please find the objectives here.

Mission Charter actions include a diverse range of interventions (policies, programmes, projects, initiatives) to support: 

  • Research and innovation;
  • Evidence-based knowledge and data and/or access provision to knowledge and data, in line with FAIR principles for the Mission Ocean and Waters Knowledge System;
  • Upscaling, deployment and replication of solutions;
  • Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches;
  • Education and training.

Please consider the following when endorsing the Mission Charter: 

  • Check whether your action contributes the Mission objectives
  • Confirm your action is eligible
    • The action should be ongoing or planned - the action should not be a project proposal or be a past action. A past action is only eligible if there are clear, ongoing impacts (to be provided in the “short description” of the action when endorsing the Charter).
    • If the action is a Horizon Europe or Mission Ocean & Waters project, the full project must be submitted by the coordinator as work packages are not eligible.
    • Associated regions to a Horizon Europe or Mission Ocean & Waters project, however, can submit the specific, regional activities separately.
    • The action should not be solely for commercial purposes.
  • Include the following information in your submission
    • A brief description of how your action supports the Mission objectives
    • Activities, milestones and expected outcomes of your action
    • Whether your action provides replicable or scalable solutions or knowledge outputs for restoring our oceans and waters.
      • Such solutions are diverse and include both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ solutions. For instance, all the following can be considered: publicly accessible data and knowledge on marine litter, replicable good practices on Marine Protected Area management, and demonstrator project on offshore multi-use (e.g. aquaculture, offshore wind)/
    • While the action can be submitted in any language, we encourage you to submit the action in English. Otherwise, the action will be published in both the original language and in English (via machine translation). 

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