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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Watercourse Restoration EMFAF - Denmark


Funding programme or initiative
EMFAF Denmark 2021-2027 Programme
Baltic and North Sea basin
Deadline date
30 September 2024
Publication date
14 June 2024
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Mission Topics
Relevant to Blue Parks Community
Associated Regions


The purpose of the subsidy scheme is to contribute to the restoration of water areas and improve conditions for flora and fauna. The efforts must, among other things, create spawning grounds and free passage for fish in the streams. The grant scheme must contribute to the realization of established environmental targets in specific watercourses, so that the aquatic environment can in the long run meet the objectives of the EU's Water Framework Directive on minimum ecological condition. 


Subsidies are given for restorations designated in the action program for Water Area Plan 3 (VP3). The projects must recreate more natural streams without barriers and with greater physical variety. A watercourse restoration project takes place by restoring stretches of watercourse through the following measures: 

  1. Smaller stretch-based restorations, e.g. laying out coarse material, planting trees or raising the bed of streams. 
  2. Larger stretch-based restorations, e.g. re-winding or opening of piped sections. 
  3. Point-based restorations, e.g. removal of physical barriers which enable the passage of migratory fish and other aquatic fauna in the streams, establishment of sand traps or other purification plants that improve the environmental condition of downstream sections. 

Commitments can only be given to type 2 and type 3 water areas under the EMFAF grant scheme. Commitments can be made for grants for feasibility studies and implementation of a project relating to watercourse restoration. For type 1 water areas, reference is made to the national subsidy scheme, which is administered by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.  

Eligible applicants:  



A total of DKK 100.7 million has been allocated to the subsidy scheme. The total public grant can amount to up to 100% of the total eligible costs for the project. Grants for the projects are partly financed by EMFAF (70%) and partly by national funds (30%).  



Contact points


Nyropsgade 30, 

1780 Copenhagen V 

Tel.: (+45) 72 18 56 00 

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