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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Sustainable tourism in coastal areas: Transferability plan at Mediterranean scale


Mission objective
Objective 1a - Protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversityObjective 3a - Blue economy - multiuse of water space
Mediterranean Sea basin
Coastal and Maritime tourism
Coastal maritime tourismCoastal resilienceEnvironmental protectionLand-based tourismNautical tourism
Type of action
Evidence-based knowledge and data and/or access provision to knowledge and data
Type of knowledge output
Report (research paper, policy report, white paper, guidelines, case studies, best practices, etc)
Solution owner


The document presents an overview of sustainable tourism practices in the Mediterranean region. This comprehensive study outlines a strategic transferability plan that addresses the challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable tourism. The plan delves into key aspects such as policy recommendations, community engagement strategies, and best practices identified through the CO-EVOLVE project. By presenting insights gained from successful initiatives within the project, the document aims to guide and inspire stakeholders across the Mediterranean in implementing sustainable tourism practices.

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