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SK-BF: FBR03 Call for proposals for bigger, strategic initiatives


Funding programme or initiative
EEA and Norway Grants
Danube-Black Sea
Deadline date
31 December 2024
Publication date
21 June 2024
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity2. Pollution prevention and elimination3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
Associated Regions


The Fund for Bilateral Relations established to enhance cooperation and improve mutual knowledge and understanding between Slovakia and the Donor States – Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Eligible expenditures are those related to: 

  • activities aiming at strengthening bilateral relations between the Donor States and Slovakia;  
  • networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practice between entities in Slovakia and entities in the Donor States and/or international organisations.   


Under the bigger, strategic bilateral initiatives, it is expected that mostly initiatives with nation-wide impact will be supported, ideally with potential for further strategic cooperation between important, well-recognised and well-respected stakeholders both in Slovakia and in the Donor States.  

A broad range of activities is eligible if they lead to progress in a certain, narrowly defined field. A well-defined strategic output, such as a feasibility study, a development plan, instruction manual for transferred knowledge or other similar output is usually required. It is also customary that the initiative leads to further cooperation in the defined field. In addition to events, examples of activities that can be carried out under bigger, strategic bilateral initiatives include data collection, reports, studies and publications, campaigns, exhibitions and promotional material, technical cooperation and exchange of experts, secondments and internships and other activities. At least three indicators listed in the Annex 4 to the Bilateral Fund Guide must be selected by the applicant.   

Eligible applicants: 

All legal entities established in Slovakia or in the Donor States of Iceland, Lichtenstein or Norway are eligible applicants and partners. An international organisation can be an applicant or a partner, as long as there is a Slovak and a Donor State entity involved in the initiative as an applicant or as a partner. Number of partners is limited to four.  


Maximum grant of EUR 300 000 and minimum grant of EUR 50 000 for smaller-scale bilateral events.  

All types of expenditures are eligible, provided that they meet the conditions listed in this Call and in Article 8.2 of the Regulations.  


Bilateral initiatives shall be completed (both physically and financially) by 30 April 2025. 

Contact points

All Grant Applications shall be prepared in English and submitted electronically at  alongside mandatory attachments (see Call text FBR03). 

For queries, contact:  

00421-2-2092 8464 

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