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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Shark Conservation Fund Small Grants Programme

Level of governance
Atlantic and Arctic basinMediterranean Sea basinDanube River basin
Funding mechanisms
Managing institutions
Shark Conservation Fund
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Description of the funding initiative

The goal of the Shark Conservation Fund (SCF) is to halt the overexploitation of the world’s sharks and rays, prevent extinctions, reverse population declines, and restore endangered species through its Small Grant programme. These grants provide an excellent opportunity for small NGOs, especially in developing countries, to join SCF’s global shark conservation campaign. 

The Small Grant program supports projects in line with SCF’s 3 primary objectives:

  • Fisheries management reform through the adoption of science-based management measures that result in mortality reductions for species primarily threatened by trade;
  • Prevent extinctions by conserving and restoring at least 65 threatened species of sharks for which trade is not the main threat; and
  • Identify and protect important shark areas in at least 50 sites in new or modified marine protected and conserved areas.

Overview of eligibility requirements for applicants

Proposals need to have a direct connection to SCF’s objectives. The work could include the gathering of information that will be used to establish protected areas or implement management measures.

SCF has supported projects around the world, including in European seas.

Please look at the SCF’s Investment Strategy 2023-2028 for additional information. 

Rules on co-financing

To help ensure that Small Grant results are used for advancing management changes, applicants are encouraged to partner with larger national-level projects.

Procedures to submit proposal

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