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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal
Level of governance
Atlantic and Arctic basinDanube River basin
Funding mechanisms
Managing institutions
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Description of the funding initiative

Save Our Species (SOS) is a grant-making mechanism set up by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to ensure the long-term survival of threatened species, their habitats and the people who depend on them. SOS channels funding from donors to existing frontline conservation actors to protect from extinction some of the world’s most threatened species of plants and animals, as informed by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Overview of eligibility requirements for applicants

SOS provides grants to NGOs, community groups and other civil society organisations. Government agencies are not eligible.

Grants are awarded for the conservation of threatened species and their habitats. Threatened species are those listed as Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered on IUCN’s Red List. The Fund makes three types of grants:

  • Threatened Species Grants are awarded under each of the regional initiatives (including the Arctic) and the species initiatives (including sturgeons) to projects that have a programmatic approach to addressing existing conservation threats.
  • Rapid Action Grants are awarded to projects responding to emergency situations. They are designed to enable immediate responses to new and emerging threats. 
  • Research Support Grants are awarded to young and early scientists for their research to improve knowledge on threatened species and their ecosystems. 

Rules on co-financing

Co-financing is not required for Rapid Action Grants, but is required for Threatened Species Grants. See the documents area of the IUCN grants portal for more details: 

Procedures to submit proposal

Threatened Species Grants are awarded through periodic Calls for Proposals. Rapid Action Grants are awarded through an open-ended Call for Proposals. All calls are announced on the website of SOS 

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