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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal


Funding programme or initiative
EMFAF Poland 2021-2027 Programme
Baltic and North Sea basin
Deadline date
30 July 2024
Publication date
31 May 2024
Mission Objectives
2. Pollution prevention and elimination
Associated Regions


 Funding under the call for proposals may be obtained for investments or activities related to the operation of fishing ports, landing sites or fishing harbours aimed at: 

  1. improving safety or working conditions; 
  2. improving the quality of fish products; 
  3. reducing pollution of marine or inland waters; 
  4. enabling the landing, storage and marketing of unwanted catches referred to in the second and third indents of line 2 of Annex III to Regulation (EU) 2021/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 July 2021 establishing the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and Aquaculture and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 (OJ EU L 247, 13/07/2021, p. 1), hereinafter referred to as "Regulation 2021/1139"; 
  5. purchase or modernisation of internal transport means. 


The call falls under Priority 1 – “Supporting sustainable fishing and the restoration and protection of living aquatic resources” of the Polish EMFAF programme for 2021-2027.  

Eligible applicants:  

  • local government unit, state or local government legal person or state or local government organisational unit without legal personality; 
  • a recognised producer organisation, a recognized association of producer organizations or an inter-branch organisation referred to in the provisions of the Act of December 5, 2008 on the organization of the fish market (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 2045, as amended); 
  • a fishing organisation other than that specified in point 2, carrying out statutory tasks in the field of sea fishing; 
  • management entity within the meaning of Art. 2 point 6 of the Act of December 20, 1996 on sea ports and harbours (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1796); 
  • the owner of a fishing vessel using which commercial fishing is carried out; 
  • Maritime Office. 


Aid under the action is granted in the form of reimbursement of eligible costs incurred in the amount of up to: 

  1. 100% of these costs - if the operation: 
  • is carried out by entities referred to in Article 17 points 1, 4 and 7 of the implementing regulation, which are a public entity referred to in line 8 in Annex III to Regulation 2021/1139, or 
  • meets the criteria set out in row 14 of Annex III to Regulation 2021/1139; 
  1. 75% of these costs - if the operation: 
  • is carried out by the entity referred to in Article 17 point 5 of the implementing regulation, carrying out small-scale coastal fishing or 
  • is implemented by the entity referred to in Article 17 point 2 of the implementing regulation, or 
  • meets the purpose referred to in Article 16 point 4 of the implementing regulation and is not an operation referred to in point 1; 
  1. 60% of these costs - if the operation is carried out by an entity referred to in Article 17 point 3 of the implementing regulation; 
  2. 50% of these costs - in the case of operations other than those specified in points 1-3.  

Eligible costs of the operation also include costs indirectly related to the implementation of the objective of the operation, financed on the basis of a flat rate of up to 7% of the value of eligible costs of the operation directly related to the implementation of the objective of this operation, in an amount not greater than: 

  1. PLN 100,000 - in the case of the value of eligible costs of this operation not exceeding PLN 4,000,000; 
  2. PLN 200,000 - in the case of the value of eligible costs of this operation exceeding PLN 4,000,000.  


Not specified. 

Contact points

Questions regarding the call for applications can be sent by email to:

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