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Investments and innovations in aquaculture – EMFAF State of Upper Austria


Funding programme or initiative
EMFAF Austria 2021-2027 Programme
Danube-Black Sea
Deadline date
30 September 2024
Publication date
26 July 2024
Mission Objectives
3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
Associated Regions


Under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund, the State of Upper Austria supports projects in the field of inland fisheries.  


The funding is open for the following: 

  1. Productive investments in aquaculture, such as the construction of new aquaculture facilities or the extension and/or modernisation of existing aquaculture facilities (ponds, flow-through facilities, recirculation and aquaponics facilities), hatcheries for fingerlings, technical equipment, improvement of working and safety conditions and the rehabilitation of existing facilities or the revitalisation of disused facilities; 
  2. Investments to reduce the negative impacts or increase the positive impacts of aquaculture facilities on the environment, including improving husbandry conditions and animal health, increasing resource efficiency, improving water quality and the quality of effluent water (reduction of chemicals, reduction of the use of pharmaceuticals, etc. ); 
  3. Investments in climate change adaptation and climate protection ( CO2 reduction) as well as in sustainable energy use, e.g. by increasing the energy efficiency of aquaculture farms or by promoting the switch to renewable energy sources; 
  4. Investments in diversification, in particular improving the quality of aquaculture products, diversifying aquaculture products [particularly with regard to the impacts of climate change, diversifying the income of aquaculture enterprises through the development of complementary activities ( e.g. agricultural tourism and leisure activities and hospitality)] and in direct marketing of fishery and aquaculture products ( e.g. farm shops, online ); 
  5. Innovations, e.g. development of new or improved knowledge in technical, scientific or organisational areas with a focus on environmental impacts (substitution of fish meal, etc. ), resource efficiency, climate change adaptation, animal welfare, sustainable production methods, sustainable methods for treating diseases, new breeding species, administrative or organisational systems, testing of the technical feasibility or economic viability of innovations, products or processes. 

Eligible applicants:  

  1. natural people; 
  2. legal persons, provided that the participation of local authorities does not exceed 25%; 
  3. partnerships registered in the commercial register, provided that the participation of local authorities does not exceed 25% and 
  4. their associations (hereinafter referred to as associations of persons), provided that the participation of local authorities does not exceed 25%;  

who have an establishment in Austria, which are active in the production, processing or marketing of fishery and aquaculture products or related areas in Austria and which pursue a project in accordance with the objectives of the programme.  


The funding is granted as a subsidy towards the eligible costs of investments and may not exceed the upper limits set out in the EMFAF Austria 2021-2027 programme: 

  • The subsidy for the eligible investment costs amounts to 30%. 
  • In the case of support for farms with organic farming methods, 40%. 
  • For innovative projects 40%. 
  • The investment amount per project must be €10,000. 

The upper limit of eligible costs is 

  • a maximum of €700,000 per holding and funding period (financial period 2021 – 2027 including the phase-out period); 
  • of which a maximum of €500,000 may be used in the case of support for recirculation systems that produce energy in salt or brackish water; 
  • of which a maximum of €100,000 for vehicles;  

If several businesses are run at one business location (spatially, economically, functionally connected), the above-mentioned upper limits can only be used once for this business location. 

More details in relation to aquaponics, organic farms, productive investment, structural measures, adaptation to climate change and diversification and direct marketing can be found on the call page.  


Not specified 

Contact points

Office of the Upper Austrian State Government 

Directorate for Regional Planning, Economic and Rural Development 

Department of Agriculture and Forestry 

Bahnhofplatz 1 

4021 Linz 

Telephone (+43 732) 77 20-115 01 

Fax (+43 732) 77 20-21 17 98  


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