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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Innovation and investment projects in the fisheries and aquaculture sector


Funding programme or initiative
EMFAF Spain 2021-2027 Programme
Atlantic and Arctic basin
Deadline date
31 March 2029
Publication date
10 July 2024
Mission Objectives
3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
Associated Regions


The projects associated with this call will include industrial research or experimental development activities to improve the sustainable management of fishing resources and to develop technical and/or scientific knowledge in aquaculture operations. 


Projects submitted to this call for proposals should fall under one of the following objectives: 

For the fisheries sector: 

  • Improving the sustainable management of fishing resources. 
  • Reducing the environmental footprint of activities. 
  • Developing and introducing new or substantially improved products and equipment, such as more energy-efficient and/or selective fishing gear, techniques, or technologies. 
  • New or improved processes and techniques in waste management. 
  • New or improved management and organizational systems for safety and working conditions. 
  • New working methods that utilize innovative digital solutions. 
  • Innovative methods and/or techniques to add value to fishery production, including the processing and marketing of products. 

For the aquaculture sector: 

  • Develop technical and scientific knowledge in aquaculture to reduce environmental impact, adapt to climate change, optimize resources and processes, improve animal health and welfare, enhance food safety, and implement sustainable production methods, including genetic and physiological improvements and better traceability. 
  • Introduce new aquaculture species with market potential, and develop or improve products, processes, and management systems for better organizational efficiency. 

Eligible applicants:  

The EMFAF grants target fishing sector operators. Grants are available to legally established companies with legal personality and registered office in Spain, operating in the fishing sector, excluding individual entrepreneurs. Eligible companies can be SMEs or large enterprises.  

Beneficiaries include: 

  • Fishing sector innovation: extractive fishing, processing, and marketing companies (only SMEs for processing). 
  • Aquaculture innovation: aquaculture sector companies. Legally established companies with their own legal personality and registered office in Spain. 

Projects must be carried out in collaboration, through sub-contracting, with a recognised scientific or technical body which has the role of validating project results.  


The minimum financeable budget is EUR 175 000. The EMFAF contribution rate is set at the maximum regulatory level of 85% of the total budget (this percentage will depend on the size of the enterprise). The applicant enterprise must finance at least 15% of the project budget with its own resources. Check the project documentation for more details.  

The sub-contracting must represent at least 5% of the total eligible budget.  


Project duration of 12 to 36 months 

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