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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Grant Scheme for the limitation of the spread of sea bream in the coastal waters of Cyprus


Funding programme or initiative
EMFAF Cyprus 2021-2027 Programme
Mediterranean Sea basin
Deadline date
3 October 2024
Publication date
03 June 2024
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Mission Topics
Relevant to Blue Parks Community
Associated Regions


This initiative aims to mitigate the presence of the 'Lagocephalus' species (Lagocephalus sceleratus) in the coastal waters of Cyprus through coordinated efforts by groups of fishermen.  


The objective is to effectively manage fisheries to control undesirable species. The strategy involves applying concentrated fishing pressure by the professional coastal fleet of Cyprus targeted at reducing the population of this species. 

Eligible applicants:  

Collective groups of fishermen, as follows: 

  • Collective groups of small-scale coastal fishermen: Fishermen participating in the collective groups should be holders of a category A or B fishing license and their professional fishing vessels are registered in the Cyprus Fishing Vessel Register. A collective group must represent one of the local associations, while partnerships of two or more associations can formed. 
  • Collective groups of multi-purpose fishermen (vessels ≥12 meters in length).  


Total budget of EUR 595 000 for the scheme. The minimum eligible budget for a project for this call cannot be less than EUR 1 000 and the initial maximum cannot exceed EUR 50 000.  


The scheme will be completed by 31 December 2029.   

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