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Fostering energy transition in the fisheries sector (Demonstrator of a fishing vessel)


Funding programme or initiative
EU Pilot Project Funds
Atlantic and Arctic basinMediterranean Sea basinBaltic and North Sea basinDanube-Black Sea
Deadline date
11 June 2024, 17:00 CEST
Publication date
20 February 2024
Mission Objectives
3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
Associated Regions


The European fishing fleet emits 4.3 million tons of CO2 equivalent annually. The sector is fuel intensive and heavily reliant on fossil fuels for its operations. This dependency reduces the environmental sustainability of fisheries and makes it vulnerable to increases in energy prices and affects the profitability of the sector. 

The Communication on the Energy Transition of the EU Fisheries and Aquaculture sector identifies an action on the need to further test and demonstrate innovations on fishing vessels, including alternative propulsion technologies and other solutions. 


This new call for proposals is going to finance a pilot project with the aim to  retrofitting a marine fishing vessel. This will demonstrate the feasibility of the technologies selected and use the vessel as a showcase to promote the results to stakeholders, including fishers, investors, coastal communities, and young people.  

Eligible applicants: 

Applicants must be legal entities (private or public bodies), and be established in 

EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories).  

The minimum number of partners for the pilot project is two (2) from two (2) EU Member States. At least one partner must be from the fisheries sector.   


2 200 000 EUR 


Project to start September - October 2024 and expected project duration is 2-3 years.  

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