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European Natura 2000 Nominee: The BlueLab Initiative


In the picturesque coastal town of Llançà, Catalonia, lies a marine area of profound ecological significance; The l’Albera Natura 2000 marine site. Here lies a treasure trove of marine biodiversity, including Neptune seagrass, as well as crucial species in the Mediterranean ecosystem. Yet, despite its protected status, the area has faced challenges stemming from human activities and insufficient management. 

A collaborative effort 

In response to these challenges, the BlueLab initiative was born. Launched in 2021 through a collaboration between SUBMON, the Llançà City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya, BlueLab embarked on an innovative journey towards conservation. This pioneering project adopted a bottom-up approach, placing local stakeholders at the forefront of its efforts. 

At its core, BlueLab is dedicated to restoring and safeguarding the marine biodiversity of l’Albera through a multifaceted approach encompassing restoration, conservation and educational endeavours. Led by SUBMON in partnership with the Llançà City Council, the Cap de Creus Natural Park, the Llançà Fishermen’s Guild and the local community, BlueLab represents a collaborative effort to ensure the long-term health of this vital marine ecosystem. 

European Natura 2000 Finalist 

The European Natura 2000 Award was first launched in 2014 and is granted every two years with the objective of raising awareness about the benefits of Natura 2000 and the importance of biodiversity at EU, Member State and local level. 

The BlueLab is a finalist in the 2024 eidtion. To find out more and vote for them, click here

The marine stewardship agreement 

The cornerstone of BlueLab is the marine stewardship agreement signed in May 2021. This agreement, a novel concept within Europe's protected areas, formalises the commitment of SUBMON, local authorities and stakeholders to preserve and promote the marine biodiversity of l’Albera. Under this agreement, a series of initiatives have been implemented, ranging from assessing the environmental status of the area to engaging in targeted conservation efforts. 

One of the key achievements of BlueLab has been the evaluation and restoration of the Neptune seagrass meadow. Through meticulous assessment and replanting efforts, SUBMON has worked to reverse the damage caused by anthropogenic impacts such as unregulated anchoring. Additionally, the installation of noble pen shell larvae collectors underscores BlueLab's dedication to safeguarding endangered species within the stewardship area. 

Community-led conservation efforts 

Recognising the pivotal role of local communities in conservation, BlueLab has actively involved the residents of Llançà in its efforts. From citizen science initiatives to educational workshops, BlueLab has fostered a deeper appreciation and understanding of the marine environment among the local population. 

As we reflect on the accomplishments of BlueLab, it is evident that the initiative has not only revitalised the marine biodiversity of l’Albera but also galvanised community-led conservation efforts. The success of BlueLab serves as a testament to the transformative power of collaboration and underscores the importance of grassroots involvement in environmental stewardship. 

Looking ahead, the journey of BlueLab continues. With a steadfast commitment to preserving the environmental legacy of l’Albera, SUBMON remains dedicated to ensuring the continuity and expansion of this vital initiative. For in the waters of l’Albera, lies not just marine biodiversity, but the promise of a sustainable future for generations to come. 

Find out more about the project here