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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

EMFAF 2021-2027 Round 3 – Salzburg, Austria


Funding programme or initiative
EMFAF Austria 2021-2027 Programme
Danube-Black Sea
Deadline date
30 September 2024
Publication date
26 July 2024
Mission Objectives
3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
Associated Regions


The implementation of the EMFAF Programme Austria 2021-2027, specifically in the State of Salzburg, is accepting applications for funding under different topics and objectives. 


  • 2.1.1 Investments and innovation in inland fisheries 
    This includes projects with the following objectives: 
  • Sustainable, environmentally friendly, climate change-adapted management of fish stocks in natural waters 
  • Preservation, expansion and modernisation of lake fisheries, increasing added value and improving the competitiveness of companies 

(e.g. investments on board, fishing gear) 

  • 2.2.1 Investments and innovation in aquaculture 
    This includes projects with the following objectives: 
  • Promoting sustainable, environmentally friendly and climate change-adapted production, as well as increasing the level of self-sufficiency in fish and aquaculture products 
  • Increasing added value and competitiveness of companies 
  • Increasing the share of organic production in total production 
  • Development and application of innovative methods and processes that promote sustainable and environmentally friendly production 

(e.g. pond construction, circulation or flow systems, technical equipment, tourist activities, direct marketing, vehicle bodies) 

  • 2.2.2 Training and further education, networking, consulting 
    These include projects with the following objectives: 
  • Improving professional, personal and entrepreneurial skills 
  • Networking and exchange of experiences 
  • Promoting high-quality, neutral and cost-effective advisory services 
  • 2.3.1 Processing of fishery and aquaculture products 
    This includes projects with the following objectives: 
  • Strengthening the competitiveness of processing companies, taking into account sustainability, regionality, environmental impact, animal welfare, as well as climate protection and climate change adaptation 
  • Further development, maintenance and improvement of product quality and variety 

(e.g. purchase of equipment, machinery, furnishings, construction of processing facilities) 

  • 2.3.2 Marketing measures 
    These include projects with the following objectives: 
  • Increasing sales of fish and fish and aquaculture products and improving the position of producers 
  • increased information for consumers 

(e.g. sales promotion campaigns, establishment of producer organisations) 

  • 2.4.1 Data collection 
    This includes projects with the aim of: 
  • Collection, management and analysis of data on socio-economic aspects, fish stocks and production potential, environmental conditions, climate protection and climate change adaptation, etc. 

(e.g. surveys of fish stocks in lakes, studies) 

  • 2.4.2 Monitoring and enforcement 
    This includes projects aimed at: 
  • Development and implementation of projects to ensure reliable traceability of the origin of freshwater fish.  

Eligible applicants:  

  1. natural people, 
  2. legal entities (participation of local authorities <25%), 
  3. partnerships registered in the commercial register (participation of local authorities <25%), as well as 
  4. their mergers (participation of local authorities <25%) 
  • with an establishment in Austria, which are active in the production, processing or marketing of fishery and aquaculture products or related areas in Austria and which are pursuing a project in line with the objectives of the programme 
  • In the case of the types of measures referred to in points 2.2.2, 2.3.2, 2.4.1 and 2.4.2, different, specific rules apply. 


Depending on the respective measure, the amount of funding is: 

  • for investments in aquaculture: 30% (40% for organic farming) 
  • for innovations in aquaculture for material costs: 40% (higher funding rates possible for projects of collective interest and beneficiary) 
  • for investments in processing plants 30% 
  • for marketing measures 50%  

The upper limit of eligible costs is: €700,000 per operation (max. €500,000 for salt and brackish water plants). The eligible costs must be at least €10,000 per application.  


Not specified 

Contact points

Office of the Salzburg State Government Department 

4/08: Rural Development and Education 

Bundesstraße 6 

5071 Wals-Siezenheim  


Tel.: 0662/8042-DW 2368 

Fax: 0662/8042-762368 

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