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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Combining state-of-the-art emission reduction and efficiency improvement technologies in ship design and retrofitting for contributing to the "Fit for 55" package objective by 2030 (ZEWT Partnership) (HORIZON-CL5-2024-D5-01-12)


Funding programme or initiative
Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)
Atlantic and Arctic basinMediterranean Sea basinBaltic and North Sea basinDanube-Black Sea
Deadline date
18 April 2024, 17:00 CEST
Publication date
07 December 2023
Mission Objectives
3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
Associated Regions


This funding is for projects that increase efficiency and reduce emissions of marine and inland waterway vessels, and demonstrate robust business models and strategies for deployment.  


Results of the project are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes: 

  • Develop at least three market-ready vessel designs using innovative emission reduction technologies for different shipping sectors in line with the EU's "Fit for 55" package. 
  • Quantitatively assess these designs to ensure significant emissions reductions, aligned with EU and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) targets, using measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). 
  • Facilitate continuous improvement of existing vessels by measuring and benchmarking operational profiles. 
  • Evaluate emission reduction technologies' life cycle impact and retrofit options for environmental efficiency. 
  • Support the rapid transition of maritime vessels to higher energy efficiency and lower emissions. 
  • Create strong business models for these designs to ensure successful commercial deployment in Europe by 2030. 

Eligible applicants: 

Detailed information on eligible applicants can be found here.  


A total of EUR 15.000.000 is allocated to the call HORIZON-CL5-2024-D5-01-12 - HORIZON-IA HORIZON Innovation Actions.  The contribution to the projects is approximately EUR 7.500.000 (2 grants foreseen). 


Duration may vary. Please see link for details. 

Contact points

To get support:  

  • Online Manual is the guide on the procedures from proposal submission to managing your grant. 
  • Horizon Europe Programme Guide contains the detailed guidance to the structure, budget and political priorities of Horizon Europe. 
  • Funding & Tenders Portal FAQ – to find the answers to most frequently asked questions on submission of proposals, evaluation and grant management. 
  • Research Enquiry Service – to ask questions about any aspect of European research in general and the EU Research Framework Programmes in particular. 
  • National Contact Points (NCPs) – to get guidance, practical information and assistance on participation in Horizon Europe. There are also NCPs in many non-EU and non-associated countries (‘third-countries’). 
  • Enterprise Europe Network – to contact your EEN national contact for advice to businesses with special focus on SMEs. The support includes guidance on the EU research funding. 
  • IT Helpdesk – to contact the Funding & Tenders Portal IT helpdesk for questions such as forgotten passwords, access rights and roles, technical aspects of submission of proposals, etc. 
  • European IPR Helpdesk to be assistsed you on intellectual property issues. 
  • CEN-CENELEC Research Helpdesk and ETSI Research Helpdesk – the European Standards Organisations to be advised on how to tackle standardisation in your project proposal.   
  • The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their recruitment –to consult the general principles and requirements specifying the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers, employers and funders of researchers. 
  • Partner Search Services to be supported on how to find a partner organisation for your proposal. 

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