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Call for Biodiversity in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region


Funding programme or initiative
FEDER 2021-2027 programme of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region
Atlantic and Arctic basinMediterranean Sea basin
Deadline date
30 June 2025
Publication date
12 March 2025
Mission Objectives
1. Ecosystems and Biodiversity2. Pollution prevention and elimination
Associated Regions


With a total funding envelope of €5 million, the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region launched a call for proposals under the FEDER/FSE+ programme (2021-2027) to support the protection and restoration of biodiversity. The call for proposals aims to strengthen biodiversity protection in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté by supporting projects that restore natural habitats, improve ecological connectivity, and reduce pollution


The call for proposals includes four measures to support biodiversity in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté: 

  1. Trame Bleue – Technical Supervision: Funds technical staff for managing and supervising river restoration projects, requiring a detailed work programme. 
  2. Trame Bleue – River Restoration: Supports ecological restoration of rivers, including barrier removal, renaturation, and wetland reconnection. 
  3. Non-Trame Bleue – Conservation Projects: Funds studies, management plans, habitat restoration, and land acquisition for biodiversity conservation. 
  4. Non-Trame Bleue – Public Awareness: Supports education, communication, and outreach initiatives with tangible outputs like publications and exhibitions. 

Eligible applicants: 

Eligible applicants for this call include local authorities (communes and their groupings), public institutions, consular organisations, associations, mixed syndicates, public interest groups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and public service delegations.  

Projects must comply with EU State aid regulations, meaning that if they involve economic activities, they must align with relevant European competition rules. Additionally, only projects that have not been physically completed before the submission of the funding application are eligible.. Furthermore, projects falling under the Natura 2000 framework may need to seek funding through the FEADER rather than the FEDER. 

All applications must be submitted via the e-Synergie portal: 


The minimum grant per project is €30,000, and the maximum EU co-financing rate is generally 60% of eligible expenses. For public authorities, associations, and environmental organisations, co-financing can reach up to 80%, and in certain cases—such as approved environmental protection associations or regional natural parks—it may cover up to 100% of eligible costs. Projects under Measure 1 (technical supervision of river restoration) are subject to a lower FEDER co-financing rate of 30%.  


Investments must be carried out within the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, and expenses must be incurred after 1 January 2021 and completed by 31 December 2028.   

Contact points

For any queries regarding this call, applicants can contact the Service FEDER Bourgogne-Franche-Comté et Massif du Jura: 

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