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Mission Ocean and Waters service portal

Aquaculture providing environmental services - Latvia


Funding programme or initiative
EMFAF Latvia 2021-2027 Programme
Baltic and North Sea basin
Deadline date
24 July 2024
Publication date
25 June 2024
Mission Objectives
2. Pollution prevention and elimination3. Carbon Neutral and Circular Blue Economy
Associated Regions


Objective 2.1 of Latvia’s EMFAF 2021-2027 Programme is “Promoting sustainable aquaculture activities, especially strengthening the competitiveness of aquaculture production, while ensuring that the activities are environmentally sustainable in the long term”. The funding announced under the “Aquaculture Providing Environmental Services” call includes two distinct sub-measures: 

  1. Increased Environmental Requirements 
  2. Organic Aquaculture  


The objective of the call is to promote sustainable aquaculture, in particular to strengthen the competitiveness of aquaculture production, while ensuring the long-term environmental sustainability of operations. 

Eligible applicants:  

A legal person or a farm.   

Funding support can be received under only one of these sub-measures. The call explains that the support applicant must be: 

  • For the sub-measure “Increased Environmental Requirements”: an aquaculture industry company registered or recognised by the Food and Veterinary Service, an aquaculture animal farm intended for food, or an aquaculture animal farm for the restoration of resources, all in accordance with regulatory enactments on veterinary requirements for aquaculture animals, their products, and their circulation. Additionally, the operation must meet the requirements set forth in regulatory acts pertaining to animal health, veterinary medicine, and the environment. 
  • For the sub-measure “Organic Aquaculture”: an organic aquaculture industry company registered with the Food and Veterinary Service, which has been issued a certificate in accordance with the regulatory enactments on the procedure for monitoring and control of organic agriculture. 

Additional details and applicant requirements can be found in the call page.  


The total budget available for this round of calls is EUR 2,000,000. More detailed information on eligible costs can be found on the call page.  


Not specified. 

Contact points

For assistance with the submission platform, two telephone numbers are available:  

+371 67095000 

+371 28359662 

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