Discover how MedPAN's commitment within the EU Blue Parks Community is driving real change for marine conservation in the Mediterranean.
MedPAN, the network of Marine Protected Areas managers in the Mediterranean and a pivotal member of the EU Blue Parks Community, is leading innovative marine conservation initiatives through active engagement and community-driven approaches. This includes the Forum of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean, with its fourth edition anticipated to take place in 2025. MedPAN regularly organises thematic regional workshops, including the 2024 edition focused on tourism management within MPAs, and conducts a comprehensive survey every four years to assess the management status and conditions of Mediterranean MPAs (see the 2020 edition).
In collaboration with the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas, MedPAN launched a new call for voluntary commitments prior to the summer, introducing the Road to 2030 Commitment Form for Mediterranean Marine Conservation and MPAs. This initiative encourages Mediterranean stakeholders to contribute to the Post-2020 Mediterranean MPAs Roadmap, the Global Biodiversity Framework and the Regional Strategy for Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (MCPAs) and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECMs) through concrete initiatives and projects.
Considering that marine conservation and the establishment of MPAs are collective efforts, all Mediterranean stakeholders are strongly encouraged to align with the Roadmap's strategic objectives and recommendations by undertaking practical and concrete actions. However, the call for commitments is not necessarily intended to prompt stakeholders to identify new activities or develop initiatives beyond their existing mandates: many stakeholders are already contributing to the advancement of the roadmap through their ongoing or planned actions. MedPAN seeks to promote and highlight these efforts within the vibrant and active Mediterranean marine conservation community of practice.
These commitments are entirely voluntary, meaning there are no legal obligations or restrictions on the number or type of commitments that can be made. Stakeholders may submit one or several commitments until December 2024.
MedPAN Testimony:
“MedPAN is glad to have joined the EU-Blue Parks Community. Echoing its own mission to connect and to support MPA managers and stakeholders, the Community provides a great opportunity to exchange further at the European level with other networks, national and regional authorities and agencies, projects and initiatives. It is a real platform for us to collectively share challenges, tools, solutions and good practices to promote innovative approaches and to push forward progress in marine protection in the Mediterranean, taking stock of experiences from other EU sea basins.”
Carole Martinez, MedPAN Policy Officer